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Established in 1976 Baxall Ltd has grown
over the years to become the leading
British manufacturer of high quality CCTV
equipment and video network solutions.
The Baxall team of over 20 development
engineers ensure that all products are
continually evolving leading the way with the latest developments in this high technology industry.





For 25 years Baxall head office has been based in the community of Stockport, UK where the offices, development and manufacturing employ in the region of 230 people. Recently we opened a sales, technical support and warehousing facility in Australia. The well-established sales and technical support centre in the USA completes the Baxall triangle.
Committed to ensuring the highest standards are maintained from the design and development team right through to our unrivalled after-sales service, the company has gained an enviable reputation within the security industry for reliability and value for money. "To excel as a global provider of high quality and innovative products to the video marketplace"
The Baxall Philosophy is simple:
Total quality in everything we do.
That commitment demands an expert team working together to provide our customers with the products they want. It also requires substantial investment in the latest technology to ensure that in design and production, Baxall remains the pioneering force in the market.

Search through Baxall's current portfolio of products. From here you will be able to find cameras, DVR's, matrices, switchers and so much more. Simply follow the link below ....
New Product Range - Baxall Ice Camera
Baxall ICE - An exciting new range of cameras and mini-domes providing superior picture quality, a stylish new look and a selection of useful features to simplify installation. Offering the best resolution currently available, up to 540 TV lines, combined with the latest sensor technology and bespoke software, the Baxall ICE range offers exceptional value for money for professional CCTV systems.

Simply Better Pictures - Baxall Vivid
Baxall Vivid, the new generation of digital recorder products, combines the very best of traditional CCTV design and functionality with the latest hardware and software technology. Baxall Vivid is a combined digital video multiplexer recorder with 6, 10, 16 camera input options and disk sizes ranging from 80GB to 1TB.
Unlike other digital recorders though, Baxall Vivid gives you better picture quality at the same storage rates. Comparable image quality at much greater compression levels means drive sizes can be reduced by as much as 30%!